There are women who slither their lives from one relationship to the next and have the rest of the time to fight for the mandatory "3-month bliss" either with jealousy or proximity and distance problems. On the other hand, there is the species woman already forged marriage plans in kindergarten - with at least 29 a "good catch" made - and now doggedly sticking to its (unfortunate) marriage. This works for a while certainly very good, after all men hate nothing so much as the loss of their nest - not to mention their fear, their children no longer have to.
But as always, the truth finds its way and if need be in the form of an affair.
If you want to take any chances in love (whether as a permanent single or married freak) you have to stay alone.
The days when you at 50 was too old to find a new partner are finally over. And marriages that are not gathered by affairs then, eventually die of a universal disease that is "apart-lived-have" lists. Whatever that means!
Even 70-year-old race today to divorce lawyers, because they on their side (suddenly) can no longer endure the partners!
For the over-30s People 1990 a hip Bestager generation has long grown up, the abklappern prefer music events than to take care of their grandchildren.
The "Golden Girls" from the 1980's were ahead of their time. Since four older single women have the world with their love escapades equally surprised at how shocked.
Meanwhile, it has become common knowledge around that seniors have sex and thanks to Viagra and Gleitgels no longer has to wear his libido to the grave.
But what remains is the dilemma with the appeal.
I see now from older than Jane Fonda and Cher, which could be my mother. But hey, it looks nice from my laughter.
Here we go again - when the subject of beauty.
If us women out of arguments, we believe that there is a lack of beauty.
"Error", the men say.
Shall we then believe that?
No, honestly! Men are indeed simple but not stupid. Although they say that a woman does not have to be absolutely beautiful, as long as it has a good look. Really?
Of course, beauty is great -even babies look more beautiful kindergarten teachers prefer to; but with beauty alone but does not open doors to hearts.
And how are the young people?
It has not so much changed: as then we do two great camps.
There are the people who "now" believe in freedom and and the so-called "dance-goers course" on completion of a savings agreement with their first steady job. Sure, the dance course goers sit with fifty with coffee and cake on their suburban terraced house terrace and pitied her single friends who indulge in a never-ending mating dance (have).
Okay, that's only half the story.
The dance class goers usually live secretly the same life as their single friends - they also courting her life, but it is secretly and with the wife of a neighbor or the Internet love or an intern ...
The heart has eventually fed up along the lines of "once bitten, twice shy" and soaked Cupid arrows increasingly.
But Amor never gives up and hits a repeatedly. Fortunately!
Recently, a 23-year-old said to me that he had not tired of this "shit-Dates" - he longed back to the harmony of a committed relationship. No wonder the girls he changed more frequently than its linen can not simply push around so - in the age of Web 2.0. - And sometimes show quite claws and what man has already fancy duration dramas?
Maybe we should women, whether single or married than trying to preserve our type of humor and not to be so doggedly. For a woman who is cool and not so serious, men find irresistible.